Hemp CBD targets pain, reduces inflammation, reduces soreness from a deep tissue massage, and promotes calmness and well being
What role does CBD play in the massage?
The anti-inflammatory and pain relieving agents of CBD reduces inflammation within muscles and joints, allowing the massage therapist to work more effectively. People seek massages as a way to relax and escape stress. For athletes, CBD also has the reputation for accelerating the recovery and healing process of injured connective tissue
How CBD works?
The CBD receptors (known as CB2) are part of the endocannabinoid system, which is the physiological system that helps the homeostatic functions within the central nervous system. This includes maintenance of bodily functions, pain, inflammation, and the immune system.
CB2 receptors are found in nerve and immune cells in just about every organ. CBD binds to CB2 receptors as well as TRPV1 receptors. Damaged tissues sensitize TRPV1 to its chemical and physical stimuli. Adding massage further benefi
Will my massage therapist or I get high from this treatment?
No! CBD is the non-psychoactive compound of the cannabis plant. Even with low levels of THC, there is no high and subjects being drug tested after a CBD massage have tested negative for THC which is why professional athletes use these products